I recall one particular day in which the princess Maddie announced, “Mommy, I’m afraid I’m in love with your husband.” Of course, I knew that. After all, she had been marrying my husband every single day for weeks! At some point, I don’t recall when, the wedding song, dress-up and man and wife pronouncement stopped. Life is like that, isn’t it? It hums along in the same routine until one day, a person is jarred with the stunning reality that life has changed in some form or fashion. Whether Maddie realizes she can’t marry her daddy because he is already spoken for, or she becomes gripped with how old that man actually is doesn’t really matter. The little princess has grown up and is currently looking for a younger more hip handsome prince.
While Maddie has set her sights on a different goal, she remains a princess at heart. At the risk of being stereotypical, I would imagine that every girl has longed to be a princess. As a young girl, I was fascinated with the royal family in England. I wondered what it would be like to live in the palace, have ladies-in-waiting, wear beautiful dresses and be married to the king. Well, maybe not Henry VIII who threw a few too many of his wives into the Tower of London. As an adult, I’ve read a plethora of historical fiction about the royal family. I can’t quite explain my obsession except that deep in my heart, I’m a princess wannabe. Offer me a book about Brazilian, Greek or Swedish history, and I will cast it aside as easily as a plateful of green peas. But, great reads about Anne Boleyn, Catherine of Aragon or Elizabeth I—I’ll soak up like a day in the sun by the pool.

In just a few hours, Kate Middleton will be Princess Kate, and the entire world will be watching the big event. Someday, I might even get to see her as a reigning royal with her hubby—IF I outlive Elizabeth and her son! Yet, as fascinating as English royalty is to me, their reign on this earth is temporary. In contrast, God’s reign knows no end; no one can oust Him from His throne nor will He ever die. In addition, because God’s word tells me that I am His child, I am as much a princess as anyone on an earthly throne. “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! (1 John 3:1a) Because I am royalty, I am his heir. “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” (Romans 8:16-17)
I don’t reside in a luxurious palace containing hallways lined with magnificent paintings, ballrooms brimming with beauty and grandeur, or pristine gardens manicured to perfection. The only people at my beck and call are my hubby and kids; no butler in service here. Come to think of it, my kitchen crew is pretty puny as well. It’s quite all right, though, because I have a palatial abode being prepared for me, and it’s not temporary—it’s permanent! So, Princess Kate can move into Buckingham or Kensington, and I will be ecstatic. It’s a real-life fairy tale come true. Every little girl’s dream—or at least mine!
And guess what? My King, God, through His son Jesus, paid the price for my own rags to riches, commoner to co-heir, pauper to princess story…for all eternity!